Monarch Massage
Transformative Touch


Thank you for taking time to look into how to treat yourself.


To be of service to others in creating a better and enlightened human experience through massage.


Being a veteran, I am no stranger to physical and mental trauma, or the need to maintain peak physical health. In a world where so many factors tend to wear you down, I am committed to piecing and putting people back together. Through easing of old injuries, creating a safe place to unwind, or simply educating clients on their bodies.


Between working with injured clients at a chiropractic office, student clinic, sports events and my own injuries; I've honed my skills with my knowledge base while also allowing my intuitive nature to take lead.

This combination allows me the ability to create massages specific to the recipient needs and desires.  

I am a dynamic person, able to create a relaxing safe zone to ease the world or dig deep to release adhesions,  break up scar tissue or ease trigger points.

Interested in receiving a moment of relaxation through massage?

  • Click on the "Services & Rates" page to choose between the different techniques I use in my work.

Whether you choose a deep tissue restoration or an hour of relaxation:

  • Set your appointment with me by clicking on "Contact Me" and send me a message.
  • I'll respond back to gather details about your appointment and answer any concerns.

Celebrate each moment and Dream big.